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It's really the only way to keep track of the Tends you receive and send.

Also, there are still people who say mean things and we want to minimize that.
Having an account encourages people who might act badly to think twice.

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Various Blog-like Items

You write great stuff. You should be rewarded. TendOrama on Medium - Friend Link (free article)

Fixed prices are often annoying TendOrama on Medium - Friend Link (free article)

Journalists Get Paid More TendOrama on Medium - Friend Link (free article)

Bulletin of Intent: For News Publishers TendOrama on Medium - Friend Link (free article)

Scholarly Articles and Popular Press Summaries

Empathy | Sharing | Reciprocity

Background | The complexity of understanding others as the evolutionary origin of empathy and emotional contagion

Abstract & Key Points in front of paywall | Mammalian empathy: behavioural manifestations and neural basis | Nature Reviews

The Evolution of Reciprocal Altruism

Empathy Is Hard Work: People Choose to Avoid Empathy Because of Its Cognitive Costs

The robustness of reciprocity: Experimental evidence that each form of reciprocity is robust to the presence of other forms of reciprocity
(Included because publishers offering TendOrama achieve both: establish prosocial reputation and participate in generalized reciprocity.)

The Roots of Reciprocity: Gratitude and Reputation in Generalized Exchange Systems

Elevation Leads to Altruistic Behavior

TendOrama: Delight someone!


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